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How to obtain an Australian Skilled Visa under subclass 457?

The Australian Skilled Work Visa under subclass 457 allows Australian and overseas employers to sponsor an immigrant worker. It falls under a work sponsorship visa category. It allows the immigrant skilled worker to enter, stay and work in Australia for up to 4 years. The 457 visa also allows the candidate’s family to gain entry, study and work in Australia during the tenure of their stay. It does not put any restriction on the number of times the candidate or his family can enter or leave the country during the visa tenure.

There are many online resources that can prep you for the sponsorship and other requirements as well as eligibility criteria. Here, we would like to discuss the Do’s and don’ts of your application to ensure a smooth issuance of the Visa 457.

1) Check out if you need to get a Skills Assessment done before submitting your visa application.
Although most candidates do not require passing a skills assessment test, there are certain exemptions that may apply basis individual case which may depend on their nationality and select occupation.

2) Do a back-check on salary requirements.
The current immigration threshold is AUD 53900. Be doubly sure that your visa process will go through if your contract includes the threshold salary amount. An incorrect salary amount on application can lead to declining the visa with all your money and efforts going down the drain. Discuss your salary and its requirements with your employer well before submitting the visa application.

3) Is your occupation is eligible for Visa 457?
This is by-far the most straightforward step which is often overlooked by some applicants. Often employers may state a closely related occupation, assuming it may meet the eligibility requirements, but may face a decline while actual visa processing. Make sure your occupation is on the list eligible for Visa 457.

4) Check if your skill and credentials match the requirements for the position
Once your occupation is eligible and the job offer matches the salary standards required, check if you meet the criteria for the specific occupation or position. You may need to back up your application with copies of qualifications, references or recommendation letters to prove your credentials match the job skills required. For e.g: Certain professionals would need a degree to qualify, but some occupations can qualify with 5 years of experience in similar work. Trade workers would need a certificate of apprenticeship to prove their credentials or 3 years work experience as applicable.

5) Check if you need a bridging visa to avoid becoming illegal while your visa is processed.
If you are already in Australia on a valid visa while submitting your Visa 457 application, you will be issued a bridging visa by immigration. The 457 visa involves three stages – Business Approval, Nomination and Actual Visa. The bridging visa is issued once your actual visa part is submitted.

Speak to our immigration expert today to know how you can apply for the Visa 457 to migrate to Australia.